Friday, January 1, 2010


Well, here it is New Year's Day. DH is taking a nap before we head out to see DS, 23, and other ds, 17, just woke up (yes, it's 2 in the afternoon!) and is enjoying his mancave time downstairs. Me, I probably could take a nap but decided to log on instead.

I think I have been the recipient of several God-breezes lately (thank you, flylady -- see that all came together today. For some reason, the concept of 'hope' has been on my mind. I've been thinking about its role in our lives, and how just a change of perspective from despair (the absence of hope) to one of hopefulness can change EVERYTHING. And then someone anonymously sent me a silver star ornament in the mail yesterday with the word 'hope' engraved on it. And then, DH played this video for me today and I was all like, 'What is going on here?' Click on the link below and let's just say, I LOVE IT. I need to watch this every morning and probably several times throughout the day until it becomes a part of me.

I love this video for several reasons, but the most important one has to do with the truth - one that is easy to forget - of how our mindset can affect our actions and thus, my life and the lives of others. When I am in despair, I am predisposed to act a certain way both towards myself and towards others, and I have no doubt that my actions when I am in this place do not help anyone, including me. In essence, my actions keep me stuck in an unhelpful place. But when I have hope, I DO act differently, and in many ways I am an entirely different person -- or perhaps I am able to access the best part of myself, who I truly am and want to be. The amazing truth is that it is precisely these different, hopeful actions which have the power to bring about the change I seek or the change that is needed.

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