Friday, January 1, 2010

List #3: it's good to be me

It seems fitting to start out the new year full of 'hope' by acknowledging some of my strengths. So, here is a variation on that theme with today's list:

List #3: List the compliments you receive on a regular basis.

1. That I am pretty ...
Okay, this one used to bother me. Not a ton, because who doesn't like being told they look nice, right? But, on one level, it did bother me because I really didn't have anything to do with how my looks turned out -- that credit goes to the gene factory. And on another level, it bothered me because it seemed a rather superficial compliment to receive. Also,does this mean some women are not pretty? Oooooh, that really goes against me big time! I think every person is beautiful and unique and oh, so interesting. BUT, I have come to peace with merely saying 'thank you' and moving on. Oh, and now that I am getting older, I don't hear it quite so often, LOL.

2. That I am smart.
I'll take this one ;-). Yeah, I graduated valedictorian -- gotta brag about it someplace, eh, so why not here? But I always envied folks who had common sense, something I have been a bit short of most of my life. I think I'm finally getting some balance between the two.

3. That I make good comments in Sunday school.
I think this one is related to #2, but hopefully in a spiritually common sense way and not in a 'Oh, she knows so much about the scriptures way' which could never be true because of my NOT amazing memory.

4. That I am calm.
Hahahahahahahahaha ..... this one always makes me laugh inside to the point of pick me up off of the floor, if you only knew, hahahaha! Let me just say four words: NO I AM NOT. For a calm person, I have quite the temper when I am feeling off-kilter. But I will admit, I'm not a big drama queen OVER MOST THINGS BESIDES THE HOUSE. (That one is for my husband and children.) Could be, but prefer, in my ideal life, not to be. I think Jennifer Garner said it best, and I do wish I could live life this way all the time, "I prefer to be dumb and happy." And by dumb, I don't mean not smart (see #2 above) but dumb as in not spending too much time worrying about DUMB things that don't really matter, which to me is the essence of having LOTS of common sense.

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