Tuesday, March 27, 2007

On writing

Sometimes it is very hard to turn off my brain! Hmmm ... no, I don't mean exactly that. Sometimes it is very hard to get my brain to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n, so my thoughts can be translated into words and phrases focused with meaning.

I know what I mean in my head. I wish it were obvious to everyone! Sometimes I wish writing were more like conversation, and breaking off into tangents was not only allowed, but encouraged. Yip, that's the beauty of conversation. It just goes and goes with a will and at some point in time, one knows it will come back around. Maybe it happens long after the conversation is stored in the memory bank, but it usually does happen!

However there is a certain beauty in trying to make sense of it all, in composing a snapshot of experience for the reader through words.

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