Saturday, December 25, 2010

A difficult one to answer

Another one: List the situations that always make you cry.

I don't cry easily. Maybe that's because I spent so much time crying in jr. high school that I got it all out then ... maybe. Or maybe it's because I try to have a positive outlook on life and crying just doesn't seem to jive with that, so I don't let myself cry. Take your pick.

But there are a few situations that always make me cry, besides watching the ending to "Mary Poppins" with Julie Andrews.

I cry when I realize I've hurt people, and that there is nothing I can do to make it better or take the hurt back. But then, besides sociopaths, of course, doesn't everybody cry when they realize that?

You know, I really can't think of something else that makes me cry. Oh, wait ... I just did. Loss. Loss makes me cry, though as a matter of course the tears will not hit me until days or even weeks after the event. And then usually only when I am alone.

I cry for my children sometimes, but then, what mother doesn't?

I sometimes cry when I am afraid or uncertain, but more often than not I just feel afraid or uncertain and want to cry.

I guess that's about it. I really don't cry easily, do I?

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