Tuesday, February 8, 2011

List # ????: What always makes me laugh

Oh, this one is easy. My oldest son. He is one of the funniest people I know. I LOVE playing board games with him, or rocking out on Sing Star together (I almost always win, but he's an awfully good sport about it). He just makes these funny, funny comments, totally off the cuff. (And of course, at this moment, I can't recall one of them! I just recall laughing at them.)

He's got these lovely, deep, expressive eyes that can sparkle with humor or storm with ... whatever he is storming about inside. DH and I call him our little black raincloud when is in a frustrated or foul mood, which isn't too, too often.

He's a bit of an open book, but I think he prides himself on that, which is just fine. Not a false bone in his body, for sure.

Oh, and did I mention I love his sense of humor? Really, the guy should be on the radio.

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