Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's a good place

"Slow and steady wins the race ..." How many times have I heard this? Yet, it is not my nature. I have run off adrenaline, the rush, the thrill, the "look how much I can do!' for so long. My being was in my doing. As I've written here before, it's hard to change gears, even when life circumstances force you to. The body may change, the heart and head can be another matter. And it's not fun being at war with oneself.

So, slow and steady wins the race calms my heart. Helps me remember I am right where I need to be. Keeps the anxiety and adrenaline monsters at bay ... no, more than that. It helps them go 'poof' in a cloud of smoke, naming them for the illusions they truly are.

Earlier, I mentioned the book Style Statement - 'Walk, don't run!' Well, I never finished that book. Maybe I will this summer ... we will see. Other books are currently on my plate to digest, slowly and steadily. But I do often think on what my style statement would be, those two words that would guide my actions because they reflect my core. Integrity can feel really good.

Two words I came up with were 'unstudied presence.' I think this fits in nicely with slow and steady ... I'm not going to obsess over things, but remain 'unstudied' about them. Just do some things because making them a habit allows for more peace in my life, and do others without over thinking them so I don't feel anxious about the process. Presence keeps me steady with my desires, my goals, my dreams ... the quality of life I am seeking to build for myself.

Slow and steady ... feels good, doesn't it?

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