Monday, October 26, 2009

My almost ideal life

The last ten years are a blur. I believe I am ready to retire.

I finally got back in the pool today. It felt so good to move in the water, and I thought, "I was meant to move." I'm happy when I'm dancing, or hiking, or dancing, or going to the gym, or dancing. The only non-moving activity that even comes close to such bliss is singing. And when I do that, I'm moving my mouth, so what does that say?

So, where was I going with this? Oh, yeah, movement. I realized today while working out in the pool that it has been ten years since I retired from teaching fitness classes. And I must admit, I miss it at times. I miss the movement, the music, feeling my muscles work and stretch and all that good stuff that must set off some chemical reaction in me that I enjoy it the way I do.

I also miss having feet that work, but I'll save that for another day. (Scroll back to post regarding almost dying during bunion surgery.)

I think I'd like to retire to a country with dancing, like some place in Mexico or South America where the locals can teach me salsa and I would go swimming every day and dancing every night. Oh, and if I got to sing occasionally with the band, then that would be almost heaven to me.

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